Why ECI Launched

Dave Klepp founded ECI after running his Dad’s Independent > Assisted > Rehab > Memorycare home for 10 years.  Along the way, Harry had stays at 4 other Respite, Independent, Assisted & Rehab facilities.  These experiences helped Dave apply his gap-analysis strength to see simple solutions that would make large differences in quality-of-life, not only for residents, but also staff & management, while improving profits And cutting risks.

Dave gained over 40 years of experience in business innovation and development

This experience was developed in the property, telecom, IT, security tech and manufacturing sectors

Growth here honed competence to maximize business value, operational efficiency, profits, and growth

ECI is the intersection of Dave’s experience, partners & passion to transform senior care

Innovate Senior Living for owners, operators & investors

I help leaders get out of “firedrill mode”.

Together, we leverage our gifts to build innovative solutions that drive positive change.